Day # 1

Today was a fun day, the trip is off to a great start. We are driving Toyota Prius, what a great vehicle! It handles well, feels comfortable to drive and is saving me loads of cash. We drove from Greenville, SC to Gulfport, MS today, with a stop in Montgomery and Selma, AL and paid $36.00 in gas! Yes, $36.00 for 620 miles, averaging 44mpg. Thank you Toyota.
Jeni and I made some other green choices that I recommend to eveyone wanting to travel more responsibly.
1). We used old Kool whip bowls to carry our snacks in. We took big bags or boxes of chips or crackers and put them into a number of bowls. This kept us from buying multiple smaller bags. An added benefit, no crushed chips!
2). We are making our own lunches rather than eating at fast food places, thus reducing the trash and increasing our health.
3). We have 2 damp washclothes in baggies, instead of disposable wipes for greasy fingers.
4). We've packed all our snacks, foods and utensils in our reusable shopping bags.
5). We brought our cups from home, instead of buying individual plastic bottles of water or soda.
6). A large Igloo water cooler provides us with all the water we want to drink while we drive.
7). Ice packs that I rescued from the trash at a medical research facility cool our water and keep the the meat, cheese, yogurt, etc. cool in the ice chests.
These are changes that the average family can do with little effort. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know
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