Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Great American Road Trip continues

The Great American Green Road Trip

Day #12

Today, the Prius carried us up to Mount Rushmore and across the entire state of South Dakota with stops at Wall Drug and the Corn Palace with a 42.7 mpg average.

In my last post, I mentioned all the green changes Yellowstone is making. I was reminded of one of the changes when we visited Mount Rushmore.

The "wooden" steps and boardwalk are not actually wood. They are plastic lumber made from discarded plastic containers. At Old Faithful, the 30,000 square foot boardwalk uses the equivalent of 4 million discarded milk jugs.

Here's another example that our recycling efforts do make a difference.

Here's an example of re-using, every year the city of Mitchell, SD rebuild the facade of the Corn Palace with fresh corn cobs, stalks, husks, etc. Ok, so it really isn't reusing, but it is a pretty cool use of corn.

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